A cocktail of caffeine, alcohol doesn’t mix
YOU won’t find energy drinks in the fridges at Hotel Canobolas.
The sale of these high-caffeine drinks, such as Red Bull, Pulse, Jagerbomb, and Static ceased at the hotel over two years ago, coinciding with moves by the Orange Liquor Accord to ban shooters, shots and slammers in Orange.
This move by the Hotel Canobolas came after staff and owner/operator Philip Tudor found energy drinks failed to successfully mix with direction the establishment was heading.
The pub’s direction includes marketing itself to a 25 plus crowd, and being “food focused”.
He said staff found the high-volume alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks were primarily being consumed by 18 to 22-year-olds looking to get drunk quickly.
“The only way they were drinking (energy drinks) was with vodka,” Mr Tudor said.
‘Having high caffeine mixed with alcohol isn’t a good move for us.
“For example, if you have a group of 35-year-olds sitting next to a group of 18-year-olds who are doing shot after shot of vodka with energy drinks, it doesn’t mix well.
“It’s just our direction with the pub.”
The pub’s ban on energy drinks comes ahead of the Australian Medical Association push for legislation to ban alcoholic energy drinks.
It was revealed last year that energy drinks mixed with alcohol would be black listed at many pubs in Perth under Western Australia’s Liquor Licensing group to curb booze-fuelled violence.