This education program under Liquor Accord Australia will seek to educate our youth about alcohol at their formative stage, before our children:
- become drivers – but while they are still at risk as a passenger
- go to pubs – but while they are still at risk at parties or their friend’s home
- start work – but will be at risk with older employees or their employer
- become professional athletes – but will be at risk with older players
- start career opportunities – but will be limited by exploitation of social media by more sophisticated users of Facebook and Twitter, etc
The obvious outcomes we are seeking from our campaign are significant reductions in Australian youth:
- attending school or training affected by alcohol / drug, so that they can achieve their potential
- being passengers in motor vehicle accidents, so their life is not restricted by injury
- trauma from alcohol / drug related violence, for clarity in their daily life
- sickness from alcohol / drug use, for their healthy future
- affected by alcohol in the community, for better personal, social, financial and safety
- workplace incidents related to alcohol / drug use, so their life is not restricted by injury