Liquor accords are a co-operative arrangement aimed at developing safe and well managed environments in and around licensed premises in the local context.  They are part of an overall strategy that seeks to achieve a standard of practice that assists in fostering a responsible drinking culture; ensures safety in the local community; and promotes effective communication and problem solving between licensees and key stakeholders.

Each liquor accord is focussed on resolving local issues within a local area. Although individual Accords may have similar elements, there are no two the same.

Liquor accords may include representatives from licensed premises, businesses, councils, police, government departments and other community organisations.

The intended outcomes of liquor accords include:

  • reducing of anti-social behaviour in and around licensed premises;
  • reducing alcohol-related violence, ill-health and other harm;
  • increasing the responsible service of alcohol;
  • improving licensees and club operators, managers and staff knowledge of legislative obligations;
  • reducing alcohol-related road trauma;
  • facilitating and maintaining positive communication between stakeholders;
  • enhancing community cooperation and understanding of the various roles and resources of government agencies;
  • enhancing community engagement in various controls and strategies that affect their community; and
  • improving local amenity through the development of proactive and effective responses to local issues.

East Metro Liquor Accord
Fremantle Liquor Accord
Perth Liquor Accord
Vincent Liquor Accord

For further information, please contact:

Licensing Enforcement Division, WA Police on (08) 9231 7169
The Drug & Alcohol Office on (08) 9370 0333 – http://www.dao.health.wa.gov.au/
Dept of Racing, Gaming and Liquor, Customer and Client Services on 08 9425 1888