Secure Cab system ensures you get home safely

A TAXI voucher program has been reintroduced in Tamworth, to keep drunk drivers off the road while providing security for pub patrons and taxi drivers alike.

The Tamworth and District Liquor Accord, Tamworth Radio Cabs Co-operative and Tamworth Regional Council renewed the scheme to help combat the high number of people caught drink-driving on the city’s roads after a night out on the town.

Under the Secure Cab system, patrons can request a voucher from a licensed venue but must provide their name and some form of ID, which is recorded on the butt of the ticket.

The vouchers are numbered, so when the patron orders a taxi they can quote that number and a taxi will be obliged to pick them up from their requested venue.

The program was introduced in mid-2010 and stopped when funding from the Roads and Traffic Authority finished, but Tamworth Regional Council road safety officer Paul Hobson secured more funding to provide voucher booklets to participating venues.

Liquor accord chairman Roger Rumble said getting people away from licensed venues had always been an issue, and the program offered a "secure and safe" solution for everyone.

The program is in place across most major venues.

"The beauty of it is that the taxis come to the venue … and for females it’s a much safer option than walking from the Imperial or another hotel down to the secure cab rank," liquor accord project officer John Begley said.

"There’s a security aspect for cabbies, too, because they know who’s been in their cab if something goes wrong."

Tamworth Radio Cabs director Greg Rowlands said the system offered certainty and choice to customers, because they could be assured of being picked up from the venue.

"The voucher system before was successful," Mr Rowlands said.

"We’re hoping it will be an ongoing thing."


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