RSA online

Online RSA

OLGR has commenced a review of online RSA training. The purpose of the review is to find out if online training provides appropriate skills and knowledge for the industry, and whether it needs enhancing. Feedback will be used to determine the future direction for online training in NSW.

It is important that OLGR receives student feedback as part of the review. It would be appreciated if online RSA training providers could assist OLGR with the review by advising students of the availability of a short online survey. The student survey can be found at The survey will close on 7 June 2013.

Units of competency

The Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations has recently made adjustments to the unit of competencies for RSA and RCG.

SITHFAB009A, provide Responsible Service of Alcohol is now superseded by SITHFAB201. The updated unit of competency does not require any change to the student manual or online course materials. OLGR is currently liaising with Service Skills Australia to clarify changes to the assessment component.

OLGR will update you once this process is finalised. In the interim, current materials are approved as no changes will be required before 18 January 2014.

SITHGAMAM006A, Provide responsible gambling services is now superseded by SITHGAM201. No changes to this unit of competency affect the current materials and assessment criteria provided to RTOs by OLGR.

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