Accord is stopping anti-social behaviour

PATRONS in Lithgow could face monthly, yearly, or even life time suspensions from their favourite pub or club if they become involved in anti-social behaviour.

The Lithgow Liquor Accord has launched a Barring Policy to weed out the trouble makers and make the local pubs and clubs safer for everyone.

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Under the Barring Policy patrons showing anti-social behaviour including refusal to leave, verbal threats, possessing illegal drugs or minor assaults could be banned from the licensed premises for one, six or 12 months.

Those who are engaged in serious assaults resulting in injury could face up to two years suspension while those involved in glassing could be facing lifetime suspensions.

Lithgow Liquor Accord chairperson Michael Alexander said the policy ensured consistency when dealing with patrons involved in alcohol related violence and anti-social behaviour in or around the licensed premises.

“This policy promotes individual responsibility and sets an acceptable standard of behaviour in and around all of our local licensed venues,” Mr Alexander said.

“It spreads the message to troublemakers that our local community will not accept their bad behaviour.”

The policy applies to all member venues and will inform patrons of the length of time they will be banned for a range of incidents.


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