Local RSL targeted again
Nambucca Heads RSL Club Secretary/ Manager Peter Brewis is grateful nobody was injured following the club’s second break, enter and steal in as many weeks.
In the early hours of Monday morning, three people wearing hoodies, dark track pants and gloves made their way into the premises by smashing open a fire door at the back of the building.
Mr Brewis described the incident as similiar in nature to the break and enter on January 16.
The three offenders, believed to be males, stole an amount of alchohol, ransacked the bar area and tooke two donation tins.
Mr Brewis said he believed the men involved were part of a group of youths who had been seen ‘hanging around’ the area.
Police suspect some of them are locals, and they could be the same people who were involved in the last break-in, Mr Brewis said.
He described the incident as an act of opportunity.
He said the club would put additional resources into place and improve the security program.
However, the Nambucca Valley had very limited (police) resources to overcome these problems, Mr Brewis said.
“As chairman of the local liquor accord I will be making contact with the commander of the area for more manpower and resources,” he said.