Drunks to be kicked out of Docklands
DRUNKEN troublemakers will be banned from Docklands and Etihad Stadium under new Victoria Police powers.
Worries about the rise in booze-fuelled rampages through the area have forced Liquor Licensing action.
Docklands is the 15th zone in the state to be declared a “designated area”, giving police power to ban troublemakers for up to 72 hours.
The banning notices can be issued for offences ranging from assault to drunkenness and even a failure to leave licensed premises when asked by security.
Repeat offenders can be evicted for up to a year.
The most recent police data shows that almost 2500 ban notices were issued in Victoria over the past two years and Melbourne’s CBD accounted for more than 2000.
Victoria Police’s raw data also shows 2720 people were attacked and injured in the CBD last year, up from 2521 in 2009.
Consumer Affairs Minister Michael O’Brien said the big rise in the number of pubs and clubs in Docklands had forced the Government to act to more effectively tackle disorder and anti-social behaviour.
He said there were about 1800 licensed venues in the CBD — 105 in Docklands following a surge in the number of pubs and clubs in the area in recent years.
“The ability to issue banning notices within Docklands will give police the power to act quickly to prevent anti-social behaviour before it happens in and around licensed premises, including Etihad Stadium,” Mr O’Brien said.
The precinct is swelling with new residents.
The Coalition Government has extended the freeze on granting late-night liquor licences and increased penalties and new laws to deal with drunken, loutish and threatening behaviour.