Don’t Let Your Mates Drink and Drive. It’s Stupid” Drink Drive Campaign Reaches a Captive Audience
As part of the Ballina Shire Liquor Accord’s drink drive prevention project, a new anti drink drive message will be installed on the rear of toilet doors, above urinals and wash basins in licensed venues across the Ballina Shire over the Festive period.
Pubs, hotels, licensed restaurants and cafes have joined forces to support the “Don’t Let Your Mates Drink and Drive. It’s Stupid” convenience advertising campaign.
“Alcohol continues to be a major contributor of road trauma in our local area. Over the past five years alcohol was involved in 71 crashes on our local roads. And of the people killed or injured 64% were male, says Jodie Hewett, Ballina Shire Council’s Road Safety Officer.
We are using convenience advertising to drive the message home this Christmas. Convenience advertising allows you to create a hard-hitting campaign to reach an already captive audience. This new anti drink drive message states the hard facts about drinking and driving”, continues Jodie.
The project, a partnership with the Ballina Shire Liquor Accord, Ballina Shire Council, Transport, Roads and Maritime Services, NSW Police and licensed premises, will continue to deliver a series of messages throughout the year to minimise harm associated with alcohol use”, says GavinFensom, Chairman of the Ballina Shire Liquor Accord.
The Accord aims to deliver simple messages. The first message reminded drivers how to avoid drink driving and this message states the facts, the myths and the consequences.
Patrons who are planning to drink alcohol are encouraged to leave their car at home and arrange a lift, designate a driver who is not drinking, or catch a taxi or hire car.
Local licensees and restaurant owners recognise the need to continually target drink driving and support the placement of these important messages in their establishments.
The launch of the “Don’t Let Your Mates Drink and Drive. It’s Stupid” convenience advertising campaign will commence Christmas Eve.